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$400,000 lunch

Writer: Stephanie WoodStephanie Wood

Recently, Anthony went out to lunch with a vendor. During the course of the lunch, the vendor pulled out a bag full of cash that totaled $400,000 HKD and set it on the table.

That's $51,422.94 USD.

That's a lot of money.

The vendor insisted it wasn't a bribe, merely something he wanted to give Anthony since he knows he has a large family. He told Anthony he has more money than he knows what to do with and just wants to share.

Okay, let's pause right there for a second. Can you imagine saying you have more money than you know what to do with? I have a lot of ideas for his money. I mean, if he's capped out on houses, cars, and vacations, then what about feeding the hungry? Things like that.

Or maybe he thought of our family as "the hungry." It is outrageously unusual in this part of the world for a family to have four kids. And maybe he somehow found out we don't have a live-in maid. The horror.

Anyway, back to the story... Anthony declined the money, and crossed his fingers that no offense was taken.

After the lunch he called me to tell me what had happened, and I had a series of thoughts flow through me:

First, I'm so grateful he is a man of integrity. He could have easily pocketed that money and it's likely no one would have ever known.

Second, I slightly wish he wasn't a man of so much integrity. That money would have been nice.

Third, I'm actually so grateful he's a man of integrity. I'm so grateful he never puts our family at risk because of decisions that could come back to bite him. I'm so grateful I can always trust him. Always.

We've never been rich, but we've always had enough. And Anthony, he's more than enough for me.

*Photo Cred: Hanna Yohanna from Getty Images (Canva)


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